
Monday, September 21, 2009

One of my 4 Orphans: Stone Farm house

Oh how I am a sucker for orphans. This dolls house was built for my friend's little sister when they lived in Jakarta.They brought it all the way back to Canada and stored it for 15+ years, alas, the girl grew out of dolls houses...not like some of us. One year they decided to have a huge clean out and were going to throw it away! I, of course, had to adopt it.
Sadly, the bamboo shingles didn't survive very well in our dry Alberta climate and kept snapping off every time I moved it. The carved teak wood trim was worse for wear and had to be removed...much of it was missing too.

The shingles have been removed, now but this is what they looked like, from a distance they look nice, not really nice up close and I added stone work using this technique shown here, recycling at it's BEST! It has a LONG way to go, but I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. what a cool dollhouse- I cannot imagine ever wanting to throw out a dollhouse :)
